Biodegradable bag: Environmentally friendly and convenient, can be used repeatedly

With the increasing awareness of environmental protection, people begin to pay attention to the application of degradable plastic bags in daily life. Especially for those in need, biodegradable bags can be easily used over and over again, saving the environment and money.

1: The origin of biodegradable bags

The history of biodegradable bags dates back to the late 1980s, when scientists in the United States studied discarded plastic packaging and found that it was difficult to fully degrade. To solve this problem, they treated the waste plastic material to pyrolysis and extracted an enzyme called glucose oxidase, a microbial catalyst that hydrolyzes cellulose and lignin. china paper bag manufacturer believes that it can effectively catalyze the conversion of sugars at higher temperatures to produce harmless products such as carbon dioxide and water, so as to achieve the purpose of plastic degradation. With the development of science and technology, people gradually began to realize the potential application prospect of this enzyme preparation. To this end, some manufacturers are starting to produce enzyme preparations for processing various waste products containing cellulose and lignin.

2: Use methods and advantages

Biodegradable bags are a very convenient product that can be reused. You don’t need to take the bag out of the fridge and put it in the closet or on the bookshelf. Just put a plastic bag in water and heat it in the air for about 30 seconds to turn it into a powder. So it’s easy to throw away! Biodegradable bags also have some advantages. First of all, they are very simple to use. You just need to know how to use them. Second, they cost less. This means that if you have an old bag, you can always replace it. Finally, biodegradable bags are great for keeping items for a long time. They don’t get very sticky and they don’t smell. So, this is a very good environmental product, worth considering buying.

3: The final summary

Biodegradable bags are a very environmentally friendly product. Not only can they be reused many times, but they also have the advantages of being waterproof and breathable. Biodegradable bags are ideal for use in humid environments, so they are harmless to humans. Also, because biodegradable bags are made from recycled materials, they can be completely broken down into water and carbon dioxide without any chemical treatment. In addition, biodegradable bags are easy to transport and store. They are easy to assemble into complete packages and fit easily in your car or home. All in all, biodegradable bags are a very useful and easy to recycle eco-friendly item, if you are looking for an affordable and practical household item, then biodegradable bags will definitely become your first choice.

All in all, if you are looking for a new material that suits you better and protects the environment, then biodegradable bags might be a good choice! Not only can it be reused, but it is also very environmentally friendly and convenient.

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